BANK | This is your personal bank account. Depending upon the round settings, you may be charged a given amount of turns to withdraw or deposit money into your account. |
CASH RAID | Cash Raids: This attack type allows players to directly attack and steal another players cashs. The amount that is able to be stolen is calculated depending on difference in Thug & Pimp Stat powers combine and the Number of overall Thug & Pimp Followers. Each follower held can hold a given amount of cash and hide it during the attack. Protected cash is calculated by starting with the weakest follower type from each Follower type (Punks & Sluts), then the amount of cash is taken and split over the number of followers of this type. If your Punks &/or Sluts can protect all of the cash, then the attacker will get nothing. Otherwise we move down through the remaining follower types to calculate all protected and unprotected cash. |
CHARM SHOP | The Charm shop gives you the chance to increase your accounts: Character Type Strength and Defence Recruiting Money Making Charms come in four levels. Unlike rings charms are selected on a randomised basis so you dont know what charm you will find when you buy one. |
DEALER FOLLOWERS | The Dealer Character type has four different types of follower: Users: These are the weakest of the Dealer followers, making their strengh in large numbers. Slangers: These are every day drug user/dealer nothing really special about them but they do put up a good fight Pushers: These are you mini dealers in the making, They are slightly weaker then the main Dealer followers, and do alot of their dealing around the colleges and universities. Dealers: These are your ultimate Dealers, they are the strongest and most streetwise folloer in this character type. |
DEALER STATS | The Dealer Character type has two stat types to train: Intelligence: Dealers attacking stat, the stronger you are the higher the chance of winning attacks. Chemistry: Dealers defencive stat, protect Dealers from attacks from other players. You can only train your stats to a 60/40% ratio either way, this is done to stop accounts from becoming 'Rapers' or 'Defense Whores'. |
DEALER WEAPONS | It is important that each of your Dealer followers has their own weapon. This will increase there strength whilst attacking or defending. As you increase your stats you will unlock new weapons, each one more effective and powerful for attacking and defending. If you dont have enough weapons for all of your Dealer they will fight for their lifes with there bear hands. |
DRUGS MARKET | The Drug Market holds 4 Drugs: Cocaine Crack Heroin Ectasy The Market can be used to make money but it can cost you more in the long run. If you are gonna take your chances ensure you: 1) Have enough followers to Hold and Protect your drugs. 2) Enough weapons to allow your Followers to protect themselves. There is a trick to playing the market, pay attention to yields and values, taking into account follower capabilities … No more hints. |
DRUG OPTIONS | Here you have three different options withing the Drug Market. Buy Max: Use all your cash in hand to purchase one type of drug. Sell Max: Sell all of ONLY the selected drug you have within the market. Sell All: Sell all the drugs you have in the market. |
DRUG RAID | Drug Raids: This attack type allows players to directly attack and steal another players drugs. The amount that is able to be stolen is calculated depending on difference in Dealer Stat powers and the Number of overall Dealer Followers. Each follower held can hold a given amount of drugs and hide it during the attack. Protected drugs are calculated by starting with the weakest follower type (Users), then the amount of each drug is taken and split over the number of followers of this type. If your Users can protect all of the drugs, then the attacker will get nothing. Otherwise we move down through the remaining follower types and any other drugs held to calculate all protected and unprotected drugs. |
DRUG STORY | The Drug market runs off a story system that is no longer visible, This has been replaced by a visual display of current as well as past drug yield & values. Keep an eye on the market you could loose money fast, the system updates between every 5-25 minutes, at random. |