• INFO
    New Feature
    Feb 2021 Quick Train Feature
    In addition to the standard training method, an additional one click option is now available for PR accounts. Players have the ability to set the amount of turns to be used.

    New Feature
    Feb 2021 Cash Steal
    New Attack - Steal Cash: This attack combines a players Thugs & Pimp Stats and Followers to carry out the attack. Each Follower can Hold a given amount of cash to protect it from the attack. Any cash left unprotected can be stolen depending on the attackers Stat and Follower Advantage.

    New Feature
    Feb 2021 Help Guide
    Started to implement a help guide system to provide hints and information to assist players on game play.

    New Feature
    Feb 2021 Drug Steal
    New Attack - Steal Drugs: Each Dealer Follower you have can hold & protect a given number of drugs during this attack. Any drugs held in hand by a follower is protected from stealing.

    New Feature
    Feb 2021 Tracking Features
    New Tracking Features added, tracking: 1)Followers Killed 2) Followers Stolen 3) Followers Lost 4) Cash Stolen 5) Cash Lost....more to come on this feature and possible rewards and extras to be given for rankings at end of rounds