INFO | |
Update | Apr 2021 Weapon protection Protection system in in Beta, Currently items have generic names but will be updated in time. Items work by reducing the number of bullet hits, to protect followers. Items will be allocated too followers in order of weakest to strongest same as weapons so make sure you have enough to protect all. And although you have protection items they are not guaranteed to protect if attacker or defender has more powerful weapons. |
New Feature | Apr 2021 Weapon Protection Coming Soon, Weapon protection items... Help to protect your followers from bullets during war attacks by equipping them with protective items. |
New Feature | Apr 2021 Weapon Steal Attack New Attack to steal another players weapons. Only weapons that cant be held in hand by the defenders follower can be stolen, but if they have no followers all are available. |
Update | Apr 2021 Police Force Police now accept bribes when detaining players for questioning. What they will take as a bribe is determined at random. But includes Cash/Drugs & Turns. Currently Bribes are automatically carried out, if you have no cash/drugs or turns the bribe will fail and you will be detained, leaving you open to attack |
Update | Apr 2021 Core Optimization Currently updating core systems and functions removing and updating functions to reduce server load and page load times |