• INFO
    Feb 2021 Ultimate Account
    Upon Winning Ultimate Account from a round, players account will be enabled to Auto Join All future Rounds when they are created

    Feb 2021 Ultimate Accounts
    Currently Ultimate Accounts can only be obtained by winning it in a round where Ultimate is Available. (Ultimate will be available for purchasing over £100 of MPG credits in future). Upon obtaining Ultimate from winning a round, you will also receive any round prize stated, Gifted to your account automatically. You will also receive the opportunity to Add a Charm to buy brought within rounds via the Charm Shop.

    Feb 2021 Prize system
    Ultimate account status can now be obtained by winning certain rounds. This will be stated in the round description. Ultimate accounts are currently in development and will have added extras and features in future.

    Feb 2021 Round system
    Multiple Rounds can be hosted at any given time, each with its own unique setup and game speed. Rounds can be independently paused and restarted for adjustments and possible in-game issues. If a round is paused whilst players are active they with automatically be removed from the round and returned to the main selection page. If a Round is paused for more then a few minutes all players drugs will be sold and all cash banked automatically before the round is reactivated, to prevent any loss

    Feb 2021 Prize System
    Each round All Top 10 None PR Accounts will receive 5 Days of PR to use in any around they wish. These can be banked and added too over multiple rounds to use at any point in future.